/, Paintings, Pastel, Soft Pastel New July 14, Travel/Lorberboim’s Paintings Exhibition story on 5 Nov 2016

Lorberboim’s Paintings Exhibition story on 5 Nov 2016


Lorberboim’s Paintings Exhibition story on  

 5 Nov 2016

רישמי מסע במחוז איסן, תאילנד

drawings from Issan, Thailand travell


The scenery ( of Exhibition)









Related post – Invitation to the exhibition



Lorberboim’s Paintings Exhibition story on  

  5 Nov 2016



Commercial galleries and public halls – I wanted to set an alternative option that is preferable in every way.

As well as ridicule the stupid fellows of UNESCO.


Hence the Happening planned opening of an Exhibition of something new and refreshing at an unusual location and introduce my landscape paintings in situ – in nature hanging mainly on olive trees and not in the Gallery’s stale, but have a meeting of friends and art lovers, on wine glass, the world’s most beautiful scenery and fresh mountain air as wine. The place is over looking the walls of Jerusalem and the Dormitzion church.


Everyone who came was surprised, – Multi surprised – the view, the design of the exhibition and the paintings that hung on mainly olive trees.
Another surprise – every visitor who visited the exhibition has received a quality reproduction of a special edition  produced specially on this occasion of exhibition,  numbered and limited edition of 100, printed on the highest quality paper.


 Another surprise – No one tries to sell you a painting, applying moderate pressure particularly, to purchase the “renowned painter image, high praise, and it is also a great investment. Furthermore, purchase requests were denied even for full price” – I am true to my beliefs.

Yet another surprise – during the exhibition, after drinking fine wine and VSOP Cognac, there were greetings,  all the paintings in the exhibition were awarded as token of recognition to friends who encourage me in my doings and forwarding my weekly emails.






 Pictures Gallery

Videos fro the event:


 Lorberboim paintings exhibition, Jerusalem.

תערוכת ציורי הצייר לורברבוים חיים בטבע, ירושלים

Another Video:

Lorberboim paintings exhibition mingling, Jerusalem. סיור בתערוכת ציורי הצייר לורברבוים בטבע, ירושלים




Realated post:





Haim Lorberboim

The Lorberboim Times II

By |2017-12-24T02:14:35+00:00November 11th, 2016|Exhibitions, Paintings, Pastel, Soft Pastel New July 14, Travel|Comments Off on Lorberboim’s Paintings Exhibition story on 5 Nov 2016

About the Author:

I could have made a site way fancier but I rather gave it the format of an old newspaper – a time when newspapers published unbiased and unpaid news and content rather than bullshitting you. So! Just like an old newspaper, my site is designed to portray what is true to me, my work, my life.