Haim Lorberboim: The Man and His Work
If there is a man that God had given his fair share of talents it would be Haim Lorberboim. As a Multidisciplinary artist he can translate his artistic ideas into different medium: Lithographs, oil and pastel color paintings. It seems there is nothing that can limit his imagination: nude female sculptures, limited edition art prints and painting on glass. Haim Lorberboim creativity is quite infectious. He is mature and an accomplished artist whose realistic view of life is translated into his various works of art. No wonder Lorberboim has been acknowledged around the world as an artist par excellence.
Aside of this site you are watching, he has a new website, with the probable evident name…and improved viewing experience:
And down the menu you can go to the exhibitions:
Retrospective Exhibition or directly http://artnot4sale.com/retrospective-exhibition/
New Exhibition or directly http://artnot4sale.com/new-exhibition/
If there is one thing that completely describes his classic oil paintings it would be a freedom of artistic expression. This artist believes that his Oils and Pastels painting speaks for itself and that there is no need to add more to it. When you view his art works you will notice that the most striking thing about it is not just the art work itself but the signature as well. Truly, he is a man that you can consider as larger than life. Choosing and picking various artist and painter as a teachers in their studios. Loberboim’s work has advanced farther and Lorberboim choos
e to continue his studies, just by examining and observing some old masters work he was drawn to by the feeling of their unique craftsmanship and their sincerity he was connected to. He absorbs inspiration in many aspects of craftsmanship from old masters such as Goya, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Monet and Levitan who inspires him deeply. All this blended and influenced him to develop his unique style, So it is now no doubt entirely obviously Lorberboim’s style
Early Life as an Artist
In order to understand where these imaginative interpretations comes from you have to first understand where this artist is coming from. Lorberboim started his career as a youngster by studying printing at Brandeis Center, a vocational school of printing in Jerusalem. This is where he was attracted, beside his passion to world of printing to the field of typography and calligraphy, by his very famous world typographer – Henry Friedlander. You can appreciate his art works better by knowing that he went through formal training on printing at a young age. He is a man who believes
in continuous learning be it in his art work or in his career. He went on and went to further his education by graduating from two degrees: BA Economics and MBA Business Administration at the prestigious Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This unique education brought him appointed to be in charge on the printing and publishing industry in Israel Ministry of Industry in 1969 – 73.
From then on there is simply no stopping Lorberboim from taking on several courses in painting, Engraving, lithographs, Silk screens and Sculpture making; in particular he concentrated on producing au naturel nude female Sculptures that some considers to be one of his masterpieces. You cannot help but glance twice on his painting on glass. He took on a special interest on Engraving that from 1973 to 2008 he took a course on this at the Jerusalem Print Workshop. He later on studied what there is to know about Sculpture and Chinese Calligraphy. The latter might just be the reason why he signs his signature with fluidity much like how the Chinese masters write on their artworks.
After honing his skills further he participated in diverse group exhibitions winning even first prize for his art on displayed at ZOA House at Tel-Aviv. This winning streak went on from 1975 to 1977 in the same venue. By 1978, he exhibited in Haifa and participated in Biennale for Young Artist. This signaled his entrance as solo artist since by 1981 he started with his Arts Pavilion Hayarkon Park at Tel Aviv. From 2004 until 2008 he went into solo exhibition in House of Quality, Jerusalem. By the way he did exhibit with a group in 2004 in the middle of these exhibits at another venue, this time at the Bank of Israel. By 2009, he started with his permanent exhibition at the Main Lobby ofthe Bank of Israel w
hich is the central bank of Israel. He did not rest on his laurels but continued on competing for modeling artist work station and proceed to win third prize for his efforts at the Marker cafe. As of 2014 he continues on with his solo exhibition at the House of Quality in Jerusalem.
Asian Influence
Lorberboim’s soft pastel artwork takes you to the everyday life of the common man as he goes on his daily life. One of his soft pastel color paintings takes you to the scene where you would see a guy impressively reflected in the water below as he busily walks around fishponds with his long bucket. It is like watching a television screen with the scene moving right before your eyes. Another set of soft pastel that he made was that of an Asian child playing with what seems to be a living crab. What you can appreciate about Lorberboim’s art is that he is not afraid to show life as it is.
The imperfections seen like that small tear on the boy’s shirt and the condition of his surroundings is what adds to the charm of this pastel color painting. The Asian theme is carried all throughout these set of pastel color painting. If you are from Asia you will recognize the scene that he depicts in his paintings. These are the views from outside of a temple or a neighborhood that looks like the place that you grew up in. This is one of the charming aspects of Lorberboim. He has the ability to make you believe in what he is doing. He manages to include the viewer as a participant in the paintings that he creates. He knows how to draw you into his world. He has mastered the art of being able to make you empathize with him.
This soft pastel interpretation shows that the people who serve as his models were unaware that he was looking at them from an artist point of view. The pets did not escape his pastel color painting. You can almost see how the dogs are nodding their head while spending a hot day under the sun. This is how graphic his soft pastel art pieces are. This Asian theme pastel color painting shows his travels to these places in far flung Asia. You can almost take out your camera when looking at the stairway to heaven rice terraces while the busy scene unfolds right before your eyes. You can almost see the busy mothers cooking in their respective native houses while the gentle smoke comes out of the kitchen. In one of the soft pastel artwork that Lorberboim created you can almost imagine the seagull flying by as you enjoy the sounds of the beach while you walk in the sand underneath you. His soft pastel artworks are divided into several models: portraits, animals, landscapes, marine life and Genre and its env
irons. As he is also an International skipper who sailed in some oceans and seas, not to mention that he is also a pilot flying in different parts of the world.
Classic Oil Paintings and Lithographs
Lorberboim can surprise you by shifting his interpretation when it comes to his still life classic oil paintings. In one of his classic oil paintings it shows a globe model as focal point of the piece because it can explain the other elements found in the room where it is at, its shade is covering an ancient map of Jerusalem hanging on the wall. symbolic, and the old tall sail ship on the way from the “Sea lands” gathering on to Jerusalem. This is a fine example of a master at work because he was able to convey the idea that whoever owns the room? is a well-travelled man. The details are quite painstakingly clear.
Another one of his finest example of classic oil paintings is a woman busily reading a book while her surroundings were faithfully interpreted; down to the nude female sculpture looking on. His lithographs will puzzle you at first because contrary to the other pieces that he makes this one is kind of symbolical. It will take a little power of observation on your part before you can see the image inserted in a seemingly hard to figure out set of lithographs.
Nude Female Sculptures
Just when you think that the only Sculpture that Lorberboim specializes is on nude female Sculptures then this genius astonishes you. He can create a very good likeness famous bust of ancient Greeks that look so much like Socrates with his bald head.
Lorberboim’s painting on glass is interpreted artistically through his vitrage. His paintings of a double glazed window makes you think about living in the Ancient World. His painting on glass shows light from behind the translucent material of this vitrage. It is like peeking into another world beyond as you glance at the entire picture from behind a window of hanging vines. This painting on glass of grapevines with the mature fruit ready to drop makes you want to step in the picture itself.
His art works can be anywhere unconventional like a close-up gaze into the gaze of a cat. His Engraving clearly shows how he can easily translate what he sees through an art form. No wonder some of his nude female Sculptures can still manage to completely surprise you.
Life in Israel
Since Lorberboim is obviously somebody who is a good observer he was able to convey the life of people from his home country. His paintings show life in Israel as viewed through the eyes of somebody who live and love living in that country. Some of the Oils and Pastels painting on exhibit shows how the skies change into different shades of blue and red as the sun begins to set in that part of the country. It is understandable how some of the Oils and Pastels Painting and limited edition art prints could easily fetch a good price in the market. They are lifelike.
Connoisseurs of art can truly appreciate the time spend on each canvass as Lorberboim lovingly interprets life in Israel as seen through his eyes. You will get to know what it is like to live in Israel through the limited edition art works that are not for sale in his exhibits. In one of the paintings on display it shows a man engaged in the activity of cleaning the fruits that he gathered from the orchard. The painting shows how he was on the final stages of preparing the fruits. As you view this painting you can only guess where he will head towards next.
Some Final Thoughts
A visit to his site would show you how uniquely gifted Lorberboim is. Just when you thought you already had him figured out he will manage to surprise you with the unexpected. A famous saying comes to mind while watching his limited edition art prints. If there is one thing that Lorberboim can be famous for is his ability to take an ordinary event and transform it into something special. His art manages to evoke emotions from whoever is looking at his masterpieces. He is a chameleon, great at showing you different facets of the mind behind the brilliant man that he is. Suffice it to say that owning an art made by him would be like winning something that you can value not just now but in the years to come.
One can only wonder what this wonderful genius might be hatching up the next time. After all, he managed to incorporate his active lifestyle in the midst of these. He clearly lives and breathes what he paints or interprets to the medium that he chose. By gazing through the limited edition art prints, painting on glass, oil pastel painting and other art form you will come to the conclusion that indeed Lorberboim has been successful in his goal to make no excuses for what he perceive as life the way he sees it. He knows how to challenge people in thinking more beyond for example about what the painting on glass is saying. It is this candidness that makes him an artist to watch out for in the years to come.
You can only guess what he will come up next as he literally takes on journey around Israel and in the countries that he visits. There is no doubt that you can see the beginnings of a potentially famous artist in your midst. After all he has the right mixture of both eccentric and down to earth to come up with brilliant masterpieces. With a talent like that you can only wonder how much his paintings would cost given time. If you are still asking who Haim Lorberboim is then why not purchase some of his artworks and get to know the man behind his works. BUT, he is not selling any of his works – you only a see them on dispay or browse hi site. For all you know, he might draw something that depicts something close to your heart like a pet or a friend. No wonder why his international followers are closely observing his latest project.
More comments
“Congrats! Let me know when you’re in town. Or in Jerusalem. It would be nice to get together for a coffee. Your art work is superb. You should really consider marketing it, L’ is having her big art Show this T’ at the D T.
Hello. Years ago ….. one of my professors mentioned … “Each person has an affinity for a particular medium …” Earnest Da Silva was the professor. In some cases it’s more than one, I agree with what you haven’t had a chance to assert at this moment, Mr. Lorberboim, but I note that you speak or describe and render well, in oil paint. The soft pastels are like a person who is decades younger, perhaps a different person…..